The story revolves in the 17th century Sri Lanka. In the Kandyan Kingdom, two noble clans, Sudaliya & Maruwalliya, who excel in Angampora (the long lost traditional Sinhala martial arts), clash with each other.
What makes this story much more interesting and thrilling than "Dandu Basna Manaya" is that the Kundala Yogee powers, possessed by a few leading members of the fighters, enable them to exercise such powers as 'Telepathy' and even 'time travel!'
The story tells how a guru of Sudaliye Angam-maduwa travels to 10th century AD and 1995 AD in his quest for seeing an end to the seemingly unavoidable clash between him and the daughter of the Maruwalliye chief, killed by him at an Angampora fight using his superior Kundala Yogee powers.
It is fascinating, entertaining, spell-binding, funny, dramatic, heart warming, eye-wetting and everything. A must see for all Tele-drama 'buffs'.