Viman Dora
- Tikiri Rathnayake
- CAST :
- G.W. Surendra (Baladewa's father in Yasorawaya),
Suneetha Wimalaweera (Deepti's sister-in-law of Du-Daruwo),
Hemasiri Liyanage (Galbanda of Amba Yahaluwo & I know the law),
Chitra Warakagoda,
Grace Ariyawimal,
and a few other new faces.
- Six Hours(approx)
- PLOT :
- A vilage youth returning home with money earned abroad
tries to take his family to the urban-lower-middle
social class. Unconvincing segments otherwise a bottom line melodrama.
All the information for this tele-drama has been provided by Rasika Suriyaarachchi